Add Probiotics to Your Diet for Happy Stomach and Good Health

Yakult India
3 min readApr 22, 2022


Add Probiotics to Your Diet for Happy Stomach and Good Health

What comes to your mind when you hear the term probiotics? Most people think that it’s available only through yoghurt. Some also believe that sales of such probiotic products are a gimmick and not beneficial for health.

However, research shows that good bacteria not only help you with better digestion but also help you avoid various ailments.

What are Probiotic Drinks?

The best probiotic drink contains good bacteria that naturally improve your gut health. When you include probiotics in your diet, you can enrich the gut microbiome with good bacteria for digesting food.

Mainly the probiotic drinks, including Yakult, consist of yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, kombucha, etc. These drinks include certain bacterial strains, such as lactobacillus casie, which are healthy bacteria.

Having Probiotic Drinks in Illness

There has been much research on the intake of probiotic drinks. Many researchers have found that probiotics help improve various medical conditions. But the results may vary from individual to individual because the biological composition of the human body is distinct in each person.

Here are certain medical conditions where you can consume the probiotic drinks for improving your overall health:

  • Constipation
  • Gum Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Yeast Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Diarrhoea
  • Eczema

Safe and Effective Probiotic Drinks

Since our body consists of trillions of microbes, probiotics are considered safer for consumption. However, in certain cases, all these probiotics can cause certain allergic reactions and also create bloating for some days. This can further lead to a weak immune system and critical illness, especially in those who have recently undergone surgery.

Besides a few exceptions, taking probiotic drinks are safer to balance out overall gut health. However, you need to take probiotic drinks after consulting a nutritionist or dietician. Otherwise, any imbalance could lead to a harmful health condition.

Benefits of Probiotics

Here are some important health benefits of probiotics:

1. Improves Gut Health

Probiotic bacteria help boost gut functionality and support the overall intestinal tract health. It also maintains a healthy balance of microbiomes in the gut while reducing constipation, bloating, diarrhoea or irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Combat Inflections

Probiotics are also helpful to combat inflammation due to free radicals. Thus, you can decrease the symptoms of colds, flu, digestive disorders and skin issues.

3. Reduces Allergies or Other Food Sensitivities

Probiotics are great to decrease food allergies while reducing lactose intolerance symptoms. Hence, it helps prevent a leaky gut while sealing your GI tract.

4. Good Source of Nutrients

Probiotics are also great sources of nutrients, including protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and more. Yakult is the best probiotic drink to add beneficial vitamins, acids and enzymes to your system.

5. Help With Weight Loss

Probiotics are also great to maintain a healthy weight. These drinks are low in sugar and calories than other bottled sweet beverages. So, grabbing a probiotic drink helps lose weight while improving your gut health.


No matter how healthy probiotic drinks are, you cannot solely rely on them for maintaining good overall health. So, you need to include them in your diet in moderation.

Also, do exercises routinely while keeping yourself fit and improving your immunity level. With the healthy lifestyle changes and intake of probiotics, you can work on leading a healthier and happier life.

Also, Visit here: A Healthy Diet for Millennial to Enjoy



Yakult India
Yakult India

Written by Yakult India


Yakult is a probiotic fermented milk drink that contains Yakult’s exclusive probiotic LcS. Its daily consumption helps improve digestion & build immunity.

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