How to Get the Most Out of Your Probiotic Diet?

Yakult India
3 min readJul 17, 2023

“Probiotics” is one of the many health-related buzzwords that have stuck around despite the proliferation of new ones. You may already know that a probiotic supplement is beneficial, and your doctor may have even suggested it.

Nutritionists are paying a lot of attention to probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha. Probiotics can help, but you don’t have to overhaul your diet to experience their benefits completely. The best ways to take probiotic foods are detailed below.

Have a Parfait for Breakfast:

You may increase your daily intake of probiotics by topping your yoghurt with granola (the less sugary, the better) and antioxidant-rich berries in the morning. Yoghurt is sour milk fermented with active cultures to thicken it and encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Making a parfait at home is as easy as buying one of the many readymade varieties available at the supermarket. Make it the night before and have it ready to go when you get up. Take Greek yoghurt as the base, two tablespoons of organic granola, and frozen organic berries as the toppings.

If you put them in the fridge overnight, the berries will be completely defrosted by the time you wake up the next day. Put the granola in a separate container if you want it to stay crunchy and then mix it in right before serving.

Learn How to Use Probiotics in the Kitchen:

You will need more probiotics on a diet of merlot and dark chocolate. Live and active cultures are the most effective form of probiotics. This indicates that you shouldn’t heat foods containing probiotics.

Remove the dish from the heat before adding the yoghurt, kraut, pickles, kimchi or miso. This will preserve the probiotics’ potency by preventing them from being altered.

Include Yoghurt in Your Daily Routine:

Plain yoghurt with live active cultures can be a base for various savoury dishes, not just as a breakfast staple.

Remember that the beneficial bacteria in yoghurt are destroyed by heat, so avoid any recipes that call for it. If you want your stomach to benefit the most, stick to no-cook dishes.

Proper Timing:

If you want to get the most out of your probiotics through diet, it’s best to start taking them first thing in the morning and work them into at least one meal daily. Try kefir and granola yoghurt for breakfast, a sandwich with pickled vegetables for lunch, and a small bottle of kefir in the afternoon. Conversely, supplements are best taken at night, when your stomach is empty.

Mix Kefir into Your Smoothies:

Kefir, a drink made from fermented milk, is loaded with healthy probiotic foods and living bacteria. Sugar is often added to flavoured kefir, so opt for plain kefir. If the sour flavour of kefir puts you off, try mixing it into a smoothie for an extra dose of healthy probiotics.

Don’t Stress If You Eat a Few Too:

That’s the kind of thing you can’t get enough of. Eating a wide variety of probiotics is essential, and so is eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. You’ll want to eat a wide variety of foods rich in probiotics because different strains of probiotics have varying effects on the digestive system.


Many common meals contain beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. Different types of fermented soy, dairy, and vegetables fall under this category. You can also take a probiotic supplement if you don’t want to or cannot eat these foods.

You should see your doctor before beginning a new supplement routine. Both dietary and supplemental probiotics have been shown to have beneficial health effects.

Also, Visit here: How Drinking Water Can Help Strengthen Your Immunity?



Yakult India

Yakult is a probiotic fermented milk drink that contains Yakult’s exclusive probiotic LcS. Its daily consumption helps improve digestion & build immunity.