What are Food Sources of Probiotics and their Health Benefits?

Yakult India
3 min readSep 13, 2023

Often hailed as the good bacteria, probiotics promote your overall well-being by keeping your gut healthy. These friendly microorganisms are present in different foods and provide many health benefits.

In this blog, we will delve into the several benefits of probiotics and their presence in certain products like Yakult.

Understanding Probiotics:

Before discussing the food sources of probiotics, let’s try to understand what exactly probiotics are and how they can boost one’s immunity. Probiotics are good bacteria that are beneficial for your digestive system.

They help in maintaining the balance of good microbiota in your intestine. This would help them to promote a healthy gut environment. Due to a well-balanced gut microbiome, your body can reap several health benefits, such as better immunity, digestion, and mental health.

Food Sources of Probiotics:

The following are some of the healthy food sources of probiotics:

1. Yoghurt:

It is one of the popular sources of probiotics. It includes live bacteria cultures, including Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, which lead to a healthy gut.

2. Sauerkraut:

This fermented cabbage dish comes loaded with good bacteria. It’s healthy for your gut and due to its crunchiness and tangy flavour, many people like adding it to their meals.

3. Kefir:

This fermented milk drink is just like yoghurt but has a thinner consistency. Since it is rich in probiotics, people with lactose intolerance can also consume it without any issues.

4. Kimchi:

This traditional Korean side dish consists of fermented vegetables, including radishes and cabbage. Besides being a probiotic powerhouse, it’s even loaded with antioxidants and vitamins.

5. Miso:

This Japanese seasoning consists of fermented soybeans with a certain fungus and salt. It’s the main ingredient present in miso soup and also a good source of probiotics.

6. Pickles:

Pickles are made using natural fermentation techniques, containing live cultures of good bacteria. However, when buying pickles from the market, it’s best to look for labels, including terms like “fermented” or “natural fermented.”

7. Tempeh:

This plant-based protein consists of fermented soybeans. It’s a good source of probiotics while being a valuable addition to vegan and vegetarian dishes.

8. Traditional Buttermilk:

The liquid left after butter churning is the buttermilk. It’s different from cultured buttermilk. The best part is that it has natural probiotics and is a common beverage in Indian cuisine.

Health Benefits of Probiotics:

Here are several benefits of adding probiotic-rich foods to your diet:

  • Better digestion: Thanks to probiotics in your diet, one can maintain a well-balanced gut flora while having smooth digestion.
  • Mental Well-being: Another benefit of adding probiotics in one’s diet is to improve their mental well-being. As per recent research, there is a connection between mental health and gut health. Hence, probiotics play a vital role in decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Better Immunity: Thanks to a healthy gut microbiome, one can enjoy a strong immune system. This further helps one’s body to defend against diseases and infections.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Probiotics often lead to a reduction in chronic inflammation, which otherwise may cause several health issues.

Today, many people are becoming more aware of the health benefits of probiotics. Probiotics in India are easily available in the form of buttermilk, yoghurt, and pickles. You can include these traditional foods or other probiotic-rich foods in your diet to improve your gut health and overall well-being.


Probiotic-rich meals can help with several health issues, from digestion to immunity and mental wellness. You can incorporate these helpful bacteria into your everyday meals because there are so many different food sources available.

Don’t forget to look into regional options like the country’s beloved Yakult and traditional buttermilk if you want to benefit from probiotics in India.

Also, Visit here: Probiotics for Constipation Helps You Keep Your Gut Moving



Yakult India

Yakult is a probiotic fermented milk drink that contains Yakult’s exclusive probiotic LcS. Its daily consumption helps improve digestion & build immunity.